% BIMA NSF Proposal Abbreviation File % % History: % 09 Feb 96 jm Extracted from the AAS 4.0 macro file. % % **************************************** % * ABBREVIATIONS * % **************************************** % Abbreviations for journals. The object here is to provide authors % with convenient shorthands for the most "popular" (often-cited) % journals; the author can use these markup tags without being concerned % about the exact form of the journal abbreviation, or its formatting. % It is up to the keeper of the macros to make sure the macros expand % to the proper text. If macro package writers agree to all use the % same TeX command name, authors only have to remember one thing, and % the style file will take care of editorial preferences. This also % applies when a single journal decides to revamp its abbreviating % scheme, as happened with the ApJ (Abt 1991). \let\jnl@style=\rm \def\ref@jnl#1{{\jnl@style#1}} \def\aj{\ref@jnl{AJ}} % Astronomical Journal \def\araa{\ref@jnl{ARA\&A}} % Annual Review of Astron and Astrophys \def\apj{\ref@jnl{ApJ}} % Astrophysical Journal \def\apjl{\ref@jnl{ApJ}} % Astrophysical Journal, Letters \def\apjs{\ref@jnl{ApJS}} % Astrophysical Journal, Supplement \def\ao{\ref@jnl{Appl.~Opt.}} % Applied Optics \def\apss{\ref@jnl{Ap\&SS}} % Astrophysics and Space Science \def\aap{\ref@jnl{A\&A}} % Astronomy and Astrophysics \def\aapr{\ref@jnl{A\&A~Rev.}} % Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews \def\aaps{\ref@jnl{A\&AS}} % Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement \def\azh{\ref@jnl{AZh}} % Astronomicheskii Zhurnal \def\baas{\ref@jnl{BAAS}} % Bulletin of the AAS \def\jrasc{\ref@jnl{JRASC}} % Journal of the RAS of Canada \def\memras{\ref@jnl{MmRAS}} % Memoirs of the RAS \def\mnras{\ref@jnl{MNRAS}} % Monthly Notices of the RAS \def\pra{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~A}} % Physical Review A: General Physics \def\prb{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~B}} % Physical Review B: Solid State \def\prc{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~C}} % Physical Review C \def\prd{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~D}} % Physical Review D \def\pre{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~E}} % Physical Review E \def\prl{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~Lett.}} % Physical Review Letters \def\pasp{\ref@jnl{PASP}} % Publications of the ASP \def\pasj{\ref@jnl{PASJ}} % Publications of the ASJ \def\qjras{\ref@jnl{QJRAS}} % Quarterly Journal of the RAS \def\skytel{\ref@jnl{S\&T}} % Sky and Telescope \def\solphys{\ref@jnl{Sol.~Phys.}} % Solar Physics \def\sovast{\ref@jnl{Soviet~Ast.}} % Soviet Astronomy \def\ssr{\ref@jnl{Space~Sci.~Rev.}} % Space Science Reviews \def\zap{\ref@jnl{ZAp}} % Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik \def\nat{\ref@jnl{Nature}} % Nature \def\iaucirc{\ref@jnl{IAU~Circ.}} % IAU Cirulars \def\aplett{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Lett.}} % Astrophysics Letters \def\apspr{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Space~Phys.~Res.}} % Astrophysics Space Physics Research \def\bain{\ref@jnl{Bull.~Astron.~Inst.~Netherlands}} % Bulletin Astronomical Institute of the Netherlands \def\fcp{\ref@jnl{Fund.~Cosmic~Phys.}} % Fundamental Cosmic Physics \def\gca{\ref@jnl{Geochim.~Cosmochim.~Acta}} % Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta \def\grl{\ref@jnl{Geophys.~Res.~Lett.}} % Geophysics Research Letters \def\jcp{\ref@jnl{J.~Chem.~Phys.}} % Journal of Chemical Physics \def\jgr{\ref@jnl{J.~Geophys.~Res.}} % Journal of Geophysics Research \def\jqsrt{\ref@jnl{J.~Quant.~Spec.~Radiat.~Transf.}} % Journal of Quantitiative Spectroscopy and Radiative Trasfer \def\memsai{\ref@jnl{Mem.~Soc.~Astron.~Italiana}} % Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana \def\nphysa{\ref@jnl{Nucl.~Phys.~A}} % Nuclear Physics A \def\physrep{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rep.}} % Physics Reports \def\physscr{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Scr}} % Physica Scripta \def\planss{\ref@jnl{Planet.~Space~Sci.}} % Planetary Space Science \def\procspie{\ref@jnl{Proc.~SPIE}} % Proceedings of the SPIE \let\astap=\aap \let\apjlett=\apjl \let\apjsupp=\apjs \let\applopt=\ao %\@input{misc.sty} % **************************************** % * MISCELLANEOUS * % **************************************** % Handy little things everybody works out for themselves anyway. Many % of these come from Springer's A&A package, and some were contributed % by Francois Schweizer at DTM. You can go berserk making these up, % especially when you start getting into the composite ones. We have % tried to select a tractable number that were useful, and somewhat % difficult to get right because fussy kerning or some such is required. % Most can be used in or out of math mode with impunity; \alt and \agt % are relations and can only be used in math mode. \def\phn{\phantom{0}} % Phantom numeral for aligning columns in tables \def\phd{\phantom{.}} % Phantom decimal for aligning columns in tables \def\phs{\phantom{$-$}} % Phantom minus sign for aligning columns in tables \def\phm#1{\phantom{#1}} % Generic \phantom command \def\sun{\hbox{$\odot$}} \def\earth{\hbox{$\oplus$}} \def\lesssim{\mathrel{\hbox{\rlap{\hbox{\lower4pt\hbox{$\sim$}}}\hbox{$<$}}}} \def\gtrsim{\mathrel{\hbox{\rlap{\hbox{\lower4pt\hbox{$\sim$}}}\hbox{$>$}}}} \def\sq{\hbox{\rlap{$\sqcap$}$\sqcup$}} \def\arcdeg{\hbox{$^\circ$}} \def\arcmin{\hbox{$^\prime$}} \def\arcsec{\hbox{$^{\prime\prime}$}} \def\fd{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm d}$}} \def\fh{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm h}$}} \def\fm{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm m}$}} \def\fs{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\rm s}$}} \def\fdg{\hbox{$.\!\!^\circ$}} \def\farcm{\hbox{$.\mkern-4mu^\prime$}} \def\farcs{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\prime\prime}$}} \def\fp{\hbox{$.\!\!^{\scriptscriptstyle\rm p}$}} \def\micron{\hbox{$\mu$m}} \let\la=\lesssim % For Springer A&A compliance... \let\ga=\gtrsim % Permit author to typeset "case" fractions. This is sometimes % wanted in displayed equations, during which LaTeX will set fractions % specified as \frac{x}{y} as "built-up" fractions (numerator and % denominator at body text size). \def\case#1#2{\hbox{$\frac{#1}{#2}$}} % Permit author to typeset fractions set with solidus where the size % is reduced and the numerals are oriented diagonally. Note that this % is different from a "shilled" fraction, which the author can produce % without any special formatting markup. Define markup shorthands for % several common fractions using solidus. \def\slantfrac#1#2{\hbox{$\,^#1\!/_#2$}} \def\onehalf{\slantfrac{1}{2}} \def\onethird{\slantfrac{1}{3}} \def\twothirds{\slantfrac{2}{3}} \def\onequarter{\slantfrac{1}{4}} \def\threequarters{\slantfrac{3}{4}} \def\ubvr{\hbox{$U\!BV\!R$}} % UBVR system \def\ub{\hbox{$U\!-\!B$}} % U-B \def\bv{\hbox{$B\!-\!V$}} % B-V \def\vr{\hbox{$V\!-\!R$}} % V-R \def\ur{\hbox{$U\!-\!R$}} % U-R % Notation for atomic species (ionization levels). The ionization state % is specified as the second argument, and should be given as a numeral. % The macro has to expand the numeric state into the proper notation for % the publication (roman, numeric, plus signs, etc.) % % \ion{ELEMENT}{IONIZATION STATE} \def\ion#1#2{#1$\;${\small\rm\@Roman{#2}}\relax} %% %% MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS %% \def\eg{{\it e.g.\ }} \def\ie{{\it i.e.\ }} \def\et{{\it et al.\ }} \let\etal=\et % \def\kms{\hbox{km\,s$^{-1}$}} \def\h2{\hbox{H$_2$}} \def\cm#1{\hbox{cm$^{-#1}$}} % % The following must be the last entry! \endinput